
Showing posts from April, 2020


REPORT TO GOD  MEMORISE:  My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.  Psalm 121:2 READ:  Psalms 121:1-8 MESSAGE : There are lots of threats out there for you teenagers. Sometimes, its from your classmates, teachers or parents. When any of these threats can be handled by someone else, you report to that fellow. But sometimes, there is really no one that can handle the situation. At such times, you have only one person to turn to and that person is God. Report to Him. Are things so difficult for your parents that they may be contemplating withdrawing you from school due to lack of funds to pay your fees? Report to God. Is your Landlord threatening to send your family packing for one reason or the other? Report to God. Are your parents constantly fighting and at the verge of divorce if something is not done fast? Report to God. There is nothing God cannot do. He said you should ask Him for whatever you want and He will do it. Action Point: Go ahead and report that situatio


NEGOTIATING GOD'S INSTRUCTIONS memorise: Isaiah 66:2 'For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word'.  please read: 1 Samuel 15:17-23 Message: God's word and commands are not for negotiation but for prompt obedience. God's word is no ordinary word, it is filled with the power to accomplish that which it is sent ( Isaiah 55:11 ). Hence, you are too small to ignore it. For your own good, when you get an instruction from Him, obey promptly.  It is a dangerous thing not to obey God's instruction like King Saul did. The Holy Spirit left him and demons took over his life when he began to negotiate God's instructions. Evil spirits inhabited him and made him experience insanity.  If God has given you an instruction, it's in your best interest to obey promptly. Is there an instruction from God in the Bible that you keep disobeying? I advice you t


Dear School-Owners, Teachers and Parents! Because I am sure of the value and benefits that this training brings to you, I have attached a *'money-back guarantee'.* That by the end of this training, you will be able create your online classroom, create valuable usage of various technology devices and you will transform your career to be relevant beyond Covid-19 pandemic. With great excitement I  encourage you to study the above flier and apply to make the best of YOURSELF. *ALL Tuty-Schools will have 50% off, call 08082233286,08083753919. Dates are 24th & 25th April. Share with friends and colleagues.* Get More, Have More and  Be Much More. Lanre Badru  Tutelage Educational Service