
 TAXONOMY OF NUMBERS      Let's talk about the taxonomy of numbers, just like we look into the taxonomy of organisms in biology and fundamentals of molecules chemistry.      All numbers you can think of belongs to the general family of Numbers in mathematics. Among the general family of Numbers, some numbers are Real Numbers while some are Imaginary Numbers.      Within the category of Imaginary Numbers, these are found in taking the square-root of a negative number. The square-root of a -1 is i. Within the category of Real numbers, there are sub-categories: Rational and Irrational Numbers.     Rational Numbers can be defined as the ratio of two Integers, while Irrational Numbers can not be expressed as a ratio of two Integers. Irrational numbers have non- repeating decimals that are non-terminating, meaning they continue forever yet no pattern. E.g √2= 4142135..... No matter how many digit we see, we aren't listing the precise value. Other irrational numbers is π=3.141592.....
LEARNING THROUGH INTER-DEPENDENCY     Wise teachers know that the purpose of teaching is from dependence to independence through inter-dependency. It is important to be realistic as far as teaching-learning process is concerned. Students will engage faster and better when we take them from the simple to the complex, known to the unknown And of course from the concrete to the abstract. This helps motivation and inspire effective teacher-learner rapport. Our students are like trees in the forest vegetation when they have attained their academic career. They may have started that journey relying on everyone around them, especially their teachers. We often defined education as the process of preparing the dependent child to becoming an independent adult, for his relevance in the society. The above assumed definition is incomplete in its operations without the absolute involvement of the inter-dependency of the individual students to his success and that of others around hi

Authentic Teaching Authentic Learning

AUTHENTIC TEACHING AUTHENTIC LEARNING     Authentic teaching is not all about teaching to know, but teaching to performance-basis and creativeness. Authentic teaching performance reflects some fairly and accurately real learning by all students. As well as for the students who are engaged through virtual learning. A standardized test could bring about backward design for the students. This is a red flag.   An authentic assessment should seek to avoid the use of traditional assessment where the students learning styles are ignored.   The objectives of learning are well stated in the lesson plan and students' active involvement in the instructions that are been given in our feedbacks.   When there is authentic feedbacks come from every key player in the demonstration of the instructional strength and success. Some of the Handling Negative Thoughts authentic way to assess students' knowledge and achievement are keeping profiles, portfolios, exhibitions, performan


  INAUTHENTIC LEARNING   Beware of inauthentic learning most especially during this new normal life we and children now live. The information processing theory in psychology views learners as active investigators of their learning. This means that every learning process requires the learner's involvement.   Communicative learning approach was taken to an unusual dimension in 1944 around World War II by David Horsborgh with his innovative thinking and charismatic leadership he introduced activity-based learning at Rishi Valley School in India.   His philosophy emphasized that learning can be best when it is initiated by the surrounding environment and motivated by providing optimum opportunities to learners. Learners are viewed unique, intelligent, and talented. Therefore, learning must remain active, not passive, hands-on on the experiment, and student-centric.   Today in the New Normal, teaching and learning must adopt authentic learning. Teaching and learning


SCHOOL CLOSURE LIKELY TO HAVE SERIOUS IMPACT ON SCHOOL CHILDREN.   Apart from the profound economic and social consequences the school lockdown has placed on the educational system in Nigeria, the lockdown may also bring traumatizing experience to the generation Z and Alpha. These are the generations that constitute our preschool, primary, secondary, and tertiary institutes. According to UNESCO, over 90% of the world’s students have been affected by the school closure. This is in addition to the 13.2 out of school children that were yet to receive education in Nigeria. How traumatizing can this lockdown really be to our children? A declaration of state emergency over rape and sexual violence against young ladies and children tripled during the country’s coronavirus lockdown. In some instances, the culprits were adolescents who should have been in school. The idle minds become the devil’s workshop. It took us just a simple announcement of school closure by the Honorable Min